Every year the James Irvine Foundation honors nonprofit leaders for advancing solutions to critical challenges that affect millions of people in the state. This year’s award winners will talk about the particular issues their organizations address, their personal commitments to these issues and the unique solutions they are advancing for making change. The awards prove the premise that change can happen even with the most intractable problems, despite political polarization and economic uncertainty.

詹姆斯歐文基金會(James Irvine Foundation) 每年都會表彰推動進步的非營利組織領導人,解決影響加州數百萬人的重大挑戰。 這年度獲獎者將談論其組織的具體問題解決方案、他們對這些問題的個人承諾以及他們為推動改變的獨特解決方案。 這些獎項證明了一個前提:即使是最棘手的問題,改變也可能發生,儘管有政治因素兩極化和經濟不確定性。

By httv.us

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