一年前,加州醫療保健服務部 (DHCS) 啟動了一項聯邦政府要求加州必須實施的年度計劃,以重新確定醫療補助資格(在加州稱為 Medi-Cal)。該州三分之一的居民參加了 Medi-Cal,該州的目標是在許多其他州利用「大放鬆」來清除其醫療補助名單時,盡可能讓更多的人能夠保留他們在醫療補助計劃中的資格。

在本次簡報會上,DHCS 專家將分享有關重新確定如何影響 Medi-Cal 註冊人數的數據,以及 Medi-Cal 繼續下去的計畫。洛杉磯縣是加州 Medi-Cal 投保人數最多的縣,該縣一家健康診所的主任將討論該診所為幫助符合條件的受益人繼續參加 Medi-Cal 並在退出後重新參保所做的努力。三位故事講述者將討論 Medi-Cal 對他們家庭的重要性,並分享他們獲得或保留該計劃的經驗。

A year ago, California’s Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) launched a federally mandated annual initiative to redetermine Medicaid eligibility (called Medi-Cal in California). With one out of three residents on Medi-Cal, the state’s goal has been to keep as many people enrolled as possible at a time when many other states were using “the great unwinding” to purge their Medicaid lists.

At this briefing, a DHCS expert will share the data on how redetermination has impacted Medi-Cal enrollment numbers, and plans for Medi-Cal moving forward. The director of one health clinic in LA County, which has the most Medi-Cal enrollees in California, will discuss its ongoing efforts to assist eligible recipients to stay on Medi-Cal and re-enroll if they were dropped. Three storytellers will discuss the importance of Medi-Cal to their families and share their experience getting or keeping it.

By httv.us

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