Ethnic Media Services and California Black Media will present a statewide ethnic media briefing aimed at raising awareness about Listas California, a first-of-its kind effort by the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) to empower women with emergency resilience knowledge. 

Listos California 2023 research identified key demographic groups that would benefit from additional resources to help them prepare for disasters, with women being one of the leading groups primed for additional engagement. Acting on this research, Cal OES launched Listas California in March during Women’s History Month.

Since 2019, Listos California has succeeded in reaching millions of Californians who otherwise wouldn’t have access to lifesaving emergency preparedness information. For more information, visit:

種族媒體服務和加州黑人媒體將在加州範圍內舉辦種族媒體簡報會,旨在提高人們對Listas California 的認識,這是加州州長緊急服務辦公室(Cal OES) 為賦予婦女應急能力知識而做出的首次此類努力。

Listos California 2023 研究確定了可從額外資源中受益的關鍵人口群體,以幫助他們做好防災準備,其中女性是準備更多參與的主要群體之一。根據這項研究,Cal OES 3 月婦女歷史月期間推出了 Listas California

2019 年以來,Listos California 已成功覆蓋數百萬加州人,否則他們將無法獲得救生緊急準備資訊。欲了解更多信息,請訪問


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