California vs Hate was launched by the California Department of Civil Rights in May 2023 as a statewide multilingual hotline for residents to report hate crimes and incidents and — most important — connect people targeted for hate with culturally competent resources and care coordination services including mental health support, legal aid, financial support and more. Residents can report online at any time in 15 languages, or by phone in 200 languages between 9 am – 6 pm Monday through Friday. Confidential services are available for everyone for free, regardless of immigration status, and reports can be made anonymously.

As we near the hotline’s first anniversary, this briefing will provide an overview of how the hotline connects those in need with resources through its system of partner organizations, as well as share metrics around reporting numbers across the state. Speakers will also discuss how their agencies have worked with CA vs Hate over the last year, how they view its impact, what they see as the key challenges now for stopping the spread of toxic hate language and the rise in hate crimes.

加州民權部於2023 5 月推出「加州對抗仇恨」熱線,作為全州範圍內的多語言熱線,供居民舉報仇恨犯罪和事件,最重要的是,將仇恨目標人群與文化上合格的資源和護理協調服務(包括心理諮商服務)連結起來。健康支援、法律援助、財政支持等。居民可以隨時以 15 種語言在線報告,或在周一至週五上午 9 點至下午 6 點之間以 200 種語言通過電話報告。無論移民身分如何,所有人都可以免費獲得保密服務,並且可以匿名舉報。

在熱線成立一周年之際,本簡報將概述熱線如何透過其合作夥伴組織系統將有需要的人與資源連繫起來,並分享有關全州報告數字的指標。演講者還將討論他們的機構在過去一年中如何與 CA vs Hate 合作、他們如何看待其影響、他們認為目前阻止有毒仇恨語言的傳播和仇恨犯罪上升的關鍵挑戰是什麼。


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